Hodnota uskutečněných projektů
187 582 861 CZK ~ 7 298 944 EUR
The original edition of the Speechless Reconciliation developmental camp was created as the project of Rotary Club Prague International with the goal of providing a space where young people from homes for children without proper parental car can come together, regardless of their background, to build relationships and share experiences. The unique aspect of the camp is that it emphasizes values of an individual and community, active work with horses, equipment of young people with relevant experiences and encouraging participants to connect with each other through activities that promote empathy and understanding. But most importantly it aims to connect successful individuals including Rotarians with those hoping and believing in better future.
On August 5th, 2023, we had the privilege of spending a rainy day with the children from Sedloňov Children's Home. Despite the weather forcing us indoors, we made sure the children had an unforgettable experience.
Sedmý ročník charitativního florbalového turnaje je za námi! Deset vesměs mosteckých amatérských týmů se v sobotu 5. srpna zúčastnilo již 7. ročníku charitativního florbalového turnaje. Turnaj se rozeběhl v 9 hodin ráno a na účastníky čekalo ve dvou pětičlenných skupinách celkem dvacet utkání o délce 12 minut.
We are thrilled to share that for the first time ever, we, together with the Rotary Club Ljubljana International, have organized a special reunion to celebrate our incredible journey of the Speechless Reconciliation program and to be able to reconnect with the participants from our last 3 camps.
Finančná pomoc pre OZ Spoločnosť Parkinson Slovensko pri organizovaní Memoriálu Vojtecha Nikschu.
On Wednesday 26. 7. 2022 RAC Hradec Kralove organized with the organization Děti v akci a great day for kids from Dětský diagnostický ústav Hradec Králové (DDÚ HK).At first, we visited Salt Cave OASA MEDICAL in Černilov. For all of the kids, it was a first time being in such salt cave. Kids were amazed by playing with a pieces of salt and they enjoyed buryingtheir hands or feets in a mound of salt. Afterwards we had lunch in DDÚ HK and then we drove to Dvůr Králové nad Labem where we visited a ZOO. We had arranged a short guided tourthrough part of the ZOO. The guide lady provided us with many interesting informationabout animals. After the tour we jumped into the Safari track and had a ride through African Safari where the animals (zebras, giraffes, lions etc) were so close to us! Such a great experience! This safari track ride was commented as well which was just breathtaking. At the end of the day kids from DDÚ HK gave us a small presents which they had made by themselves as a thanks for organizing such a nice day.
Rotary klub ve spolupráci s Rotary klubem Ansbach vyslal studenty plzeňské konzervatoře Anežku Chmelařovou a Tobiáše Mlýnka na týdenní pobyt na festival Bachwoche Ansbach zaměřený na hudbu Johanna Sebastiana Bacha.
In a remarkable display of community collaboration and environmental stewardship, Rotaract Hradec Kralove and Rotary Hradec Kralove joined forces on June 24, 2023, to clean and revitalize Stříbrňák Pond, a cherished water body located in Hradec Králové. With the shared vision of creating a cleaner future and making the area nicer, the volunteers dedicated themselves to the task at hand. Armed with tools and unwavering determination, we tirelessly cleared the pond area of debris, waste, pinecones and unwanted weed, restoring its pristine charm. The presence of Youth Exchange students added an extra layer of significance, as it highlighted the project's universal value of environmental preservation and cultural exchange.
Saturday 24.06.2023, Rotaract Club Prague International kicked off our first project after Covid-19 by teaming up with Friendship Prague for a special project.