RC Bratislava Danube - Hipony (21. 11. 2022, 18:00)

Adresa konání

Hotel Albrecht
Mudroňova 4237/82, Bratislava, 811 03


Bozena Minkova-Borgulova from Hipony with grandparent of one of the Hipony's clients: Hipony


- Mr. Boris Minarik, grandparent of Hipony client described progress of his granddaughter experiencing the power of hippotherapy with Hipony (Bozena Minkova-Borgulova)

- Bozka shared details of the healing process, how the hourses' character is curcial for hippotherapy, how client-horse relationship is important for the client's progress

- Bozka also presented her book "Pohoda s Konom" which aims to spread the value of hipotherapy in a clear and professional way 

- Zuzka Zvarkova from Rotaract Club Bratislava Danube described results of their first project with local orphanage students focused on financial literacy, broadening perception of employement opportunities, healthy diets etc.



- Martin Sloboda confirmed to continue the support of our club to Ukraine this time focused on heating generators in the cooperation with Rotary Club Kosice. Ivo will get in touch with our rotarian friends in Kosice this week during his business travel and discuss opportunities how we could help in this matter

- November 28 we are voting our next president for 2024/2025 period,  Our president elect for 2023/2024 will introduce his team and main vision