
Kontaktní osoba: Michal Sláma (president) 
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Kontaktní adresa: Rotary Club Pardubice z.s. | Evropský spolkový dům Pernštýnské náměstí 55 530 02 Pardubice Česká republika
Rotary Fellowship of Horse Racing brings Rotary horse racing fans and their friends together to unite in a worldwide community. The only requirement to join our community is an active interest in horse racing. Not all of our members are jockeys or horse owners. However, we all share a passion for horse racing, either as active participants or spectators.

The backbone of our activities is currently linked to the international eleven-part Crystal Cup series of steeplechase cross-country races directed by the major European racecourses, including the Grand Pardubice Steeplechase. Rotary horse racing fellowship was founded in Pardubice. The city is well-known for the most challenging continental race, with a tradition spanning over 130 years.

We strive to keep the horse racing tradition alive and promote it among the younger generation, welcoming members from all over the world who share the love and passion for horse racing.

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