p. Dr. Musil: Napoleon and Bratislava
Isao Sekiguchi: Mr. Isao Sekiguchi, CEO of Summit Finance, member of Sumitomo Corporation. He presented automotive sales in Slovakia from Ford sale point of view. He presented his aim to increase market share in spite of very strong competition from local producers and low cost producer with traditionally strong presence on market. Main message how to achieve challenging goal: "Every inch counts"
Mr.Schlosser: Schlosser: Intelligent transport systems. Presentation on the new systems of traffic management. In discussion we have discussed current systems are working in Bratislava and what are perspectives in this area for next few years. It seems that there is no real perspective for Bratislava, the city which does not have strategy for traffic management, for procurement of the systems etc.
Heinrich von Hollen: My past in NATO. Heinrich has recollected his work in NATO structures back in 20.century with special relation to the nuclear weapon request procedure. We have learned some military terminology, some strategical thoughts from 2.H of 20.century on the art of modern war. Fortunately we were not in the situation to experience it already for more than 65 years!
Jozko: he presented project on Academy for the future Rotary officers. Jozko is supposed to lead this Academy. This Academy should prepare officers for the Zone (several countries and Districts). Academy participants will meet 4 times per year.
Martin Pavlik: Presentation of our Roatarct club has been appealing and showing enthusiasm of our young friends. Problems with keeping right young people and to maintain average age of Rotaract lower then current 26 years....They cordially invited us to join more often on their initiatives and participate at their meetings with presentations.
Next meeting: Election of the President Elect 2012-2013!
Ruediger has made presentation on the merger of Tcom and Tmobile in Slovakia. He talked about Principles, approaches and the way how to find compromises. He introduced a new term : the „banana“ issue as a one of the difficult and forgotten issue. The BCG has been used to help design the whole process. Reasons behind the merge: deliver all services seamlessly on your pc, your mobile, your TV and your car. Discussion was rich and touched many areas related to the merger.